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ALTAIR 4X Multigas Phosphorescent

ALTAIR 4X Multigas Phosphorescent

ALTAIR 4X Multigas Phosphorescent

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Pemberitahuan: Barang terakhir di stok

Dependable multigas detector tests for LEL, oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide

Economical construction saves users more than 50% on calibration gas, replacement sensors and maintenance

Four-year sensor life means detector lasts 60% longer than the industry average

Unit uses 50% less calibration gas per minute than the average detectors within the industry

Two-tox CO/H2S sensor removes practically all cross-channel interference

Large buttons and high-contrast screen make operation easy in low-light conditions

Ribbed rubber housing provides secure grip and high durability

Unit features 95+ db alarm and ultra-bright LEDs

Exclusive end-of-sensor warning cautions user when unit's sensor needs to be changed

MotionAlert option tells others that user has become immobile

InstantAlert provides manual alarm to alert others of a dangerous situation


Confined Space

Combustible Detection

Toxic Detection

Oxygen Detection


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